Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Loosing Life to AP English

Once again my sister relentlessly badgered me,
“Dani why do you feel the need to analyze people.” She asks me this question constantly judging me for the constant need I have to discover some answer to what makes people tick.
“I don’t know, I don’t mean to” I mumble at her for the millionth time. It struck me though that day that this constant unintended, unneeded analysis of people occurs with every one I come in contact with. It does not matter how long I have known them, our relationship, or even their age. I analyze them, from their handshake. My sister, though annoying and antagonistic, forced me to realize I constantly analyze, with no true reason. Then it struck me, like the stench of week old milk, I sat in AP English, and with the angst of some one whose next words would determine their fate. We humbly, or perhaps modestly, discussed our newest endeavor in literature, A Confederacy of DUNCES. I sat there in my infinite amount of knowledge and began to ponder the main character, Ignatius Reilly. What I wondered, could make a thirty-year-old man say something as absurd as “for the sake of humanities future I hoped that they were all sterile”(52)? What would compel him to say such a thing? Could Ignatius have some form of Asperger’s, maybe he fell somewhere on the autism scale, or at least have some form of turrets? As if my sister was in the room her words lingered into my mind hunting me “Dani why do you feel the need to analyze people”. Suddenly the pieces fell together in my mind. I sit in a class five days a week, for at least fifty minutes not including time spent on homework, and am instructed to analyze, answer why, dig deeper. I sighed, half proud of my own detective work, one eighth saddened I could not put an end to it, one sixth confused at my new discovery, and one fourth completely and utterly aware that my life’s slowly becoming over taken by AP English.

1 comment:

  1. I also find myself analyzing people! Growing up with the same student body since kindergarten, I often know how most of my peers grew up and the reasons behind the certain ways they act. When I meet new or older people, I often wonder what events in their past made them who they act like today. Just like you, I question what causes Ignatius to act so childish; something must have triggered his anti-social personality.
