Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Balancing AP English, My Sitter and ADD

I sat and ponder what words and brilliant things I would pull from my mind this time to write about for English. As always many incredible, intelligent and enlightening blog topics came to mind (dripping with sarcasm). Somehow the oh so uncommon (let’s be honest a very common) event occurs, my attention somehow had drawn away from English and turned to my sister, as she stood high upon a stool reciting one of my poems. For the next five (lets be honest more along the lines of fifteen) minutes I became distracted by her antics and silly nature. As I burst into laughter at her I couldn’t help to think how good it felt. I had just spent another day of school going from class to class trying to absorb some piece of information that each teacher bestowed upon me that would inevitably end up on a test. The day topped off with speech and debate (its like the frosting to a cake). Let me take a moment to pause and evaluate the situation I find myself in. I am not saying I have a difficult life because of some higher authority or because of how the man keeps me down. In retrospect the inability to focus in class rests solely on my shoulders. (I let my mind wander all to often). I choose my class schedule and I choose how difficult of classes I take. What I do think though, all too often students, my self-included, complain about school, about teachers, about just about anything, and for what? How often do we cause our own stress, yelling and cursing out a teacher or parents, when we ultimately maid the decision to take the classes we do. I think that’s something I appreciate about my English class, somehow even if at my own expense I get a laugh out of the class. AP English seems to be the most intense and thought provoking class I have ever taken, but also the most fun. Somehow Ms. Serensky creates this balance in class between intense work ethics and awkwardly-funny situations. Balance I believe all of us need in our life’s, whether we find it with friends, with classes that make us laugh, or even a sibling who makes the afternoon a bit brighter.


  1. Dani, I competely agree with the way you portray English class here. In my blog I talked a bit about the pressure of testing situations in class, but I definitely agree that we balance out the hard work not only with funny distractions, but with thought provoking discussions. I like our discussions because they give us a chance to hear one another's ideas without the stress of a big assignment. Also,the part about your sister is really sweet; I also find it really important to enjoy the little things in life like that.

  2. I agree also. In other classes, I catch myself zoning out or even falling asleep almost every day. That happening in English class is actually impossible. No matter what we are on our toes either writing, talking with out partners, fighting for participation points, or any other fun activity Ms. Serensky comes up with. It is stressful to miss sections of a class due to dozing off so English class comes as a relief (as well as extremely difficult, as well).

  3. Dani, I love you post- it IS brilliant! I completely agree. Complaining proves one of the most annoying habits, and our age group (myself included) remains particularly guilty if this habit. The complaint that I hear the most, that bugs me the most, is "I'm so tired", because the person forced to listen to this overdone complaint CAN NOT DO ANYTHING TO HELP YOU. One day I want to just say "Oh, I'm sorry. YOU'RE tired. Let me get my magic wand and make you un-tired."

  4. Let me state the obvious: I agree with you. Your opinion that we should not hate our over-privileged lives and learn to appreciate and balance life proves hard to disagree with. My least favorite acronym EVER is "fml." "Really?" I think after each time someone says this. I think of a phrase my commons table often repeats after every complaint: "Oh, problems of a first world country." And yes, this comment is late. And yes, I freaked out a bit and fell into self-loathing for a good while, but that is why I chose to read your blog. You always seem to have wise, calming, put-it-in-perspective words to say. Thank you.

  5. Dani, I completely agree with your idea that we all need a balance between work and pleasure. Though sometimes the two intermix, as exemplified by AP English 12, but usually we all must find a balance between the two. Even in high school, I find it difficult while trying to compete as a top student to let loose and have completely carefree fun. But, I try. I know that when I enter college, the work only gets harder and the balance will have more importance than ever. We all must attempt to find our own balance now so we can constructively deal with the future workloads.
