Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ostracize- A Huge Ostrich or Something

Ostracize: to exclude, by general consent.
As I sat in English class I kept hearing the word over and over in my head. Ostracize and then it came back to me in the subtle voice of Anne Meeker. “We ostracize them”. My sophomore year she used that word in her Original Oratory speech the first time I heard it in a debate round I feel in love with the word. Some how I knew what it meant but to this day I can’t spell it with out spell checks aid. There was something magical about it I loved the way it sounded. I couldn’t figure out though beyond that why I loved it so much until yesterday. I listened to Ignatius J. Ryle and our discussions of him. Separated, out casted all words we used to describe Ignatius and the people he associated with. Jones, the factory workers or even Dorian, all of them minorities, outcast, leapers, or ostracized from society. Opposites attract at lest that’s what the experts say. So why then does Ignatius look for people just like him, ostracized. Why do teenagers look for people just like them self’s? It happens in lunch ever day tables full of people with something in common. Down casting any one who tries to invade. The same tables full of the same people for ninety days. Its not just teenagers adults do the exact same thing grouping together around water coolers at work, in church atriums, at school gathers, or in the teachers lounge. All secretly whispering about things only their groups are allowed to know. We’re all guilty of it and any one who says different most defiantly lies. The ostracism though steams from, the hatred of outsiders? (insert questioning voice here) Let me back track, we make groups of like people who have something in common, call it our niche, and they spew hatred at some one who wants to join the oh so cozy warm niche we have formed? (insert questioning voice again here) We are just like Ignatius we want our own perfect niche of friends and comforts. What happens when it all gets ripped away? We all face this impending doom (or gift?). Collage falls down on us like manna in the desert. My hope though, that we can deal with it better then Ignatius and his grey hound bus ride. Maybe we can take the change from ostracized niche and leave it with out PTSD that we feel the need to always talk about. Soon we will leave our ostracized society; maybe we can learn form Ignatius’ ostracizing mistakes.

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