Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Gift Of Rediscovering

If I could pick one character in Jennifer Egan’s novel A Visit From The Goon Squad to give to things to I would have to choose Alex. Now I’m aware that birthday presence are normally nice and sweet things, but I’m not like that. I would provide Alex with the gifts of a backbone and himself. First a backbone, I know I know, not mine to give, but I’m giving it. “Alex felt unable to explain to Lulu the beliefs he shared with Rebecca”(321). Although the phrase at first seems trivial it’s a major point of interest to me. The words “felt” and “unable” are placed right next to each other making it seem as though Alex wants to tell Lulu, but his feelings stop him. If this was the case though then Alex would have just told her after the feeling passed. All though never tells her never corrects her witch is a Direct characterizes of him not being able to stand up for him self. This being the case I would give Alex a back bone the ability to stand on his own two feet. Giving Alex himself seem strange, but Alex him self says, “’I don’t know what happened to me’”(339). This directly characterizes Alex as loosing him self. Some where in all his years of life Alex lost touch with the person he was and became the person that he lives as now.
I presume I see some one like Alex, some one who sold out and I want to give him back what he had. I believe everyone should live the way they wish to live. If that means standing up for them self’s, and re-finding them self then that what they have to do. I believe Alex needs to grow a spine once agene to find his old self, once he finds that old self-maybe then he can feel hole agene. One Character in one book, that’s all Alex would be seen as. I feel thought that ever one no mater who they are has the right to find themselves whatever time in life they are. We can’t back track in life we can’t go back and do it agene, but we can rediscover, and that’s the real gift I want to give Alex to rediscover life.

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