Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dani Boucher’s Top 10 Best Book Ideas

Dani Boucher’s Top 10 Best Book Ideas
10. How to Build a Bar
In order for me to write this book I must first learn how to build a car. After this amazing opportunity I am sure I will fall in love with the idea of writing a book about it. Although who knows if I can write an accurate book about building a car.

9. A Biography on Bronwen Durandt
While throwing around the idea of my top ten list during commons Bronwen Duradnt hit me with this extraordinary idea. Everyone must write a biography at some point, and lets all be honest an autobiography of my life? Boring. Bronwen Durandt though, well I don’t know much about her, so who better to write a biography about.

8. How to Wear Hats
If no one has not noticed by now, I wear hats a lot, a whole lot. I wear hats as if the apocalypses of hat wearing will rain down on us tomorrow. I would write on the appropriate way to wear a hat and the appropriate way to care for hats. (Very interesting)

7. Snow Boarding For the Snowboarding Impaired
As an avid snowboarded I must write a book on how to properly snowboard. I would touch mainly on how to properly maintain control of the snowboard while traveling at fast speeds down the mountain. My book would hit stores emerging as a world-renowned book and skiers, instead of snowboarders, would seem disrespectful.

6. How to Not Write a Book
After many attempts at writing a book I will develop into an expert on how not to write a book. Of course the irony of this makes me want to cry. If I write a book on how to not write a book, could I still call myself an expert on the subject?
5. Middle Child Syndrome
19 years of experience seems to me the perfect subject on which to write. Although never truly proved, I am a firm believe that middle child syndrome exists, and plagues our nation. I shall write the book that pulls the curtain back from this horrible hidden epidemic.

4. Stupid Society
Girls wear pink, boys wear blue, oh society how I hate you. Society sets up standards that I do not quite agree with. Whether the thinking that woman must always fall infer to men, or that only boys posses big strong muscles. My book would focus on the stereotypes in our society that restrict and hinder and how to start debunking them.

3.Growing Up Gay
I talk about it enough why not write a book about it. This book could go one of two directions. I would ether direct it at parents in order to help them understand there children who don’t fit into the heterosexual world and how to help them. I could also write it to those who just discovered they identify with the LGBT spectrum in order to encourage them with the knowledge that they’re not alone. That latter of the two would require interviews and other writers involved though it holds potential.

2. How to Raise the Dyslexic
I hear a lot, “We do not know what to do with you.” The phrase almost always comes in relation to my dyslexia and myself. I want to write a book that shows that dyslexia’s can do what ever we set our minds to. Although the concept seems simple, many students use dyslexia as an excuse, and parents allow it. Dyslexia’s not an excuse, and someone must say it.

1. Poems
I just really, really, really, like writing poems. I could put them together to make a book of poems. Not all would connect and most would clash against the one before and the one after, but I would create a book. A book of poems, or pieces of my soul, which ever word I choose to use that day for the writing I do.


  1. Dani, I as well have thought (many times) about what I could write about in my first book... my (diabolical) plan is to become a best selling author in the future. I have always thought that I would write the cliched teen love stories, because, in all honesty, those are the books I enjoy most...I'm a sucker for a good Sarah Dessen book! I've always had a love for poetry, and like you, I wish to write on someday...maybe we can collaborate!

  2. Dani! I love how I can clearly hear your unique and courageous voice through your writing! I am smitten with you blog: the pictures are absolutely fantastic (and the writing isn't too shabby either...) I feel like number four has been overdone though: Edith Wharton, Catcher in the Rye, angsty Indy films... What if you wrote a book on how to have a lot of fun messing with this narrow-minded society. Tear up the town, Dani B, tear up the town. I know you can.

  3. Dani, I also have dreamed about eventually learning how to build a car from scratch. However your how to book is a brand new idea to me. I find it very funny that you know you want to write about something that you know nothing about. Maybe that might be an interesting book topic: attempting to describe the workings of something you know little to nothing about.

  4. Dani, I found your top ten list particularly interesting because you managed to incorporate a vast array of emotions from humorous ideas to serious aspects of your life. I laughed out loud at some of your initial concepts, but I think that you also addressed some pertinent issues in the later list items. I think you would do an excellent job tackling any of those issues like our current societal expectations or growing up gay because you have such a strong, unwavering personality and know how to effectively convey your message without coming off as overbearing.
