Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Boxy Words

Past, future, present (not like the ones that a child receives on Christmas but like the time humans exist in) people always tell me you can live in the present, the future happens tomorrow, and the past already occurred. We follow it without question, assigning one word to something so complex. We never question it. We sub come to the robot notion, following rules and regulation blindly, never question anything. Andrea Gibson says it best in her poem Jelly Fish when she states so proudly
“Do you ever think about Gods ears?
Wonder if the leaf broke a promise?
Wonder if the wrecking ball
Was trying to run its fingers soft across the bricks
But its head was just too heavy”
Gibson puts to words what I think all to often. She displays a massive amount of images in order to show how little we question. How little we think. We analyze until death. Analysis finds meaning in writing, but for some reason though we analyze everything. The over analysis stands as only our fault. We do not separate so we over analyze and under think.
Analysis finds the purpose; thinking finds the meaning and the connection between the words and us. It happens everyday, we analyze how we feel about people and as a result we over use love, over use hate. Both extremely strong words that have the ability both to destroy and build. Now if we do not think we analyze hate as destruction and love as building. What if I said love can destroy and hate can build? Martin Luther King Jr. hated how people treated him; this hate lead to the building of equality. A victim of domestic abuse often justifies it with he/she loves me. The love creates destruction. Words hold more meaning then the boxes we put them in.
We tell words like we tell humans, you can only exist in this; you mean this, and only this. We place thing, words, and humans in boxes, because taking them out requires thinking not just analysis. We restrict words to boxes till they only mean one thing. Then we search for words to describe indescribable things. Thinking that the words we analysis some how suddenly arise as super words that now describe what we think. Then for some reason we stand there stunned when the words we search for do not match our thought, they’re the words we restricted to analysis.
I stopped analyzing words not too long ago. I stopped telling words they only mean this. I felt horrible when people restricted me to boxes telling me I can only live in one box at a time. They told me the box and you, one thing, they told me the boxes name “Dani”. Why if this occurrence frustrates me do I hold the right to do it to anyone or anything? So the words and I break the box, no longer restricted, because then there….. well think about it. Do not analyze, wonder about it, question it, throw it against a wall and interrogate it, question it, do not analyze it think of it, think in terms of it, wonder about it, then throw it all together and write it or draw it imagine it, do something but analysis it. Words like humans hold no one purpose, no one meaning, no one definition. Words nor people fit in boxes of analysis and understanding. How long till we think about that?

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