Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Food Conqueror

Food. Food. Food. When I first saw this topic, I almost self-imploded. My world revolves around food. Maybe this stems from instinct and my ancestor’s survival needs. The need for food at one time stood as the most important and hard to obtain need. Now, though, with supermarkets and drive-thru’s it seems much easer to obtain food. For me though food still stand as the most important thing. I will do practically anything for food. To me, the best type of food? Free food. I will exchange for food, I have mucked stales and helped with friend’s chores in exchange for food. If no money comes out of my pocket for the food to me the food dwells as free. I held a conversation the other day with a friend she said “I still want to go shopping….. drive me?” My response? “Feed me and I will drive you”. It does concern me some, how much my world revolves around food. My mom grows tired of when I come home and ask, “What’s for dinner?” Now do not get me wrong I do not use food to substitute emotions and sometimes I don’t even enjoy it. My older sister, Jess, enjoys teasing me over how quickly I “scarf down” food. Now I thought long and incredibly hard about why I feel such a need for food and two, why I scarf it down so quickly. After many hours of research and an immense amount of flow charts and listening to numerous lectures on the subject (ok so maybe really it only took twenty seconds of thought) I discovered why these two things exist in me. I as a human feel an intense need to concur food. Yes, yes concur food. I do not see a need to concur people or countries (that takes far too much time) I feel the need to concur food. Like a king looking over a bordering country I see food and feel a deep seeded desire for it to rest inside my belly. I though am in no shape or form glutinous with my food. So maybe I feel a need to concur food, maybe in another life I conquered countries. Or maybe in another life I proved for a whole tribe of people and still hold the instinctual need to find and concur food. Or maybe in another life I starved to death and now feel a need to compensate for that in my now life. Or maybe I am just a teenager with far too much time on my hands and spend it over thinking my desire for food. (Really though I think I ruled a country at some point in time or a tribe).

Authors note:
I would like all to know that my parents provide me with a substantial amount of food and I do not have to work for food in my home. Although if I did I am 19 so you could not do anything about it. I only barter with friends.

1 comment:

  1. I had the same reaction when seeing this topic. Food drives a lot of my actions, which is very sad. I agree though, free food always tastes better! Occasionally in 7th period commons, the lunch ladies give the leftovers and it tastes 20 times better than if I were to buy it!
